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Calling All Guest Bloggers to Polka Dot Invitations!

Polka-Dot-Design-Logo-Guest-Blogging Calling All Guest Bloggers to Polka Dot Invitations!


We’re sending out an S.O.S. for all bloggers looking to guest post on the Polka Dot Invitations Blog! We want to add some fresh voices and new, unique content for the Polka Dot Invitations community, and if you think you have what it takes, shoot us an email. Now, before you get excited that your technology blog will be a great fit and you’d love to guest blog about the advancements in robotics, we do have a few rules…

First, we want an organic fit. We want our guest blogger to write about something that fits within the scope of what Polka Dot Invitations is all about. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to be an expert on party invitations in order to be considered. We want bloggers from all different areas of expertise that can bring something exciting and new to our blog community. Are you a food blogger who can create a recipe for our readers? Bring it on! We feature some pretty killer options for our followers to order recipe cards. Might as well have your recipe on it. Or maybe you’re a lifestyle blogger who happens to be blogging lately about a huge milestone. We’re talking about getting hitched or even having a baby! Perhaps reviewing our wedding invitations would be something that is of interest.

A few guidelines to keep in mind when submitting a guest post to Polka Dot Invitations:

  1. We’re looking for 750 words or more for your article. We love content and think the more words we have on a particular topic, the more our readers can sink their teeth into and learn.
  2. We prefer original content. This means that if it’s already been published on another website or outlet, we’re likely to pass. Make sure it’s original and unique!
  3. If you’re linking up to outside sources, we approve! There’s nothing wrong with a few links to outside websites. However, we will refrain from publishing any guest blog that contains affiliate links of any kind.
  4. Photos are encouraged. What would a guest blog be without a little eye candy? Just make sure that all graphics and photos used are not copyright protected in any way.
  5. Adding Content Upgrades is A-okay with us, but it is optional—not mandatory.

If you have any more questions or concerns about the guidelines, shoot us an email and we’d love to further clarify our needs. After all, we want your guest blog post to be the best it can be, so that the readers of Polka Dot Invitations can be wowed by the creative content and unique point of view that you provide.

We’d love to hear your ideas or pitches about a guest blogging opportunity with us. Simply send an email over to for more information. We’re open to any and all suggestions.

Can’t wait to read all of your ideas!