Christmas Wording Ideas

Use this sample wording for Christmas Invitations, Holiday Invitations, Christmas Wedding & Baby Showers, Cookie Exchange Parties, Holiday Cocktail Parties, Holiday Dinner Parties, Kids Holiday Parties, Tropical Christmas Parties, Ornament Exchanges and more! Also, here are some great wording ideas for Christmas Greeting Cards.

Christmas Party Verse 1

Christmas Celebration!

It has been a long time since we all spent the holidays together.
So, let’s all get together this Christmas
for heartfelt reminiscing, good food and lots of fun!

Please join us
December 25th
11 a.m.
7524 Oakmont Lane

Hosted by Mike, Krystal and the kids
Regrets only 877.816.0884

Christmas Party Verse 2

You’re invited for some
Christmas Cheer
as we celebrate this time of year!

A Christmas Party!

Friday, December 7th
Eight o’clock in the evening
7524 Oakmont Lane

Hope to see you there!
Regrets to Cindy 877.816.0884


Christmas Party Verse 3

A Christmas Party
filled with friendship and cheer…
Please come to our home
again this year!

Cocktails and dinner start at seven,
dancing at eight,
We can’t wait to see you,
fun times await!

Saturday, December 14th
7524 Oakmont Lane
in Harwood

Regrets Only 877.816.0884

Christmas Party Verse 4

‘Tis the season, for aching feet
and all that baking we shouldn’t eat!
Running, wrapping and hurrying on our way,
Let’s take a break during this holiday!

Please join us for a
Holiday Luncheon

Saturday, December 18th
The Main Street Cafe
7524 Oakmont Lane

RSVP to Carol

Wine Stock by Odd Balls

wine-stock-invitation-ob-3-1651-391x600 Christmas Wording Ideas

Christmas Party Verse 5

‘Tis the season to celebrate
and be thankful for the past year,
You are cordially invited to attend
our Open House
for fun, food and Holiday Cheer!

Saturday, December 14th
Six o’clock in the evening

The Brown Residence
7524 Oakmont Lane

Please RSVP by December 1st

Christmas Party Verse 6

‘Tis the season to celebrate
and be thankful for the past year,
You are cordially invited to attend
our Open House
for fun, food and Holiday Cheer!

Saturday, December 14th
Six o’clock in the evening

The Brown Residence
7524 Oakmont Lane

Please RSVP by December 1st


Holiday Peppermint Cheer

holiday-peppermint-cheer-invitation-rb-np58hc1205rb-389x600 Christmas Wording Ideas

Toyland Entry

toyland-entry-invitation-icdd-np58hc3774icdd-389x600 Christmas Wording Ideas

Christmas Party Verse 7

Set your sights on Christmas lights
and eggnog ’round the tree
Please join us for a night of fun
a Festive Holiday Party!

Saturday, December 5th at 7 p.m.
7524 Oakmont Lane

Bring the family!
Regrets Only 817.444.1234



Christmas Party Verse 8

You are invited to a

Holiday Open House

Saturday, December 18th
6 o’clock in the evening

7524 Oakmont Lane
Hosted by Kristen and Kevin

Rsvp 817-444-1234



Santa Hat White Elephant

white-elephant-invitation-fp-np57hc1104fp-429x600 Christmas Wording Ideas

Christmas Party Verse 9


Celebrate the Season!
We’re planning a Holiday Party
Please say you’ll be here
Let’s celebrate the Christmas Season
with good friends and good cheer!

Saturday, December 18th
5:00 – 9:00 p.m.

The Henderson’s Home
7524 Oakmont Lane
Mount Pleasant

Regrets 817-336-0571

Christmas Party Verse 10

Holiday Cookie Swap!

‘Tis the season for Sweets and Treats
Come join the fun on

Saturday, December 14th
at 6 o’clock

Brandi Wheeler’s Home
7524 Oakmont Lane

Cocktails, Cookies & Holiday Cheer
Please bring cookies and
copies of your recipe to share

Regrets to Brandi 817.844.1234

Christmas Party Verse 11

It’s a

Christmas Sweets Swap!

Friday, December 12th
7 o’clock
Carley Logan’s Home
7524 Oakmont Lane

Please bring two dozen of your favorite Holiday cookies to share

rsvp to Carley Logan

Children are welcome


Christmas Party Verse 12

Sweets, treats &
Yummy Eats
You’re invited to a

Holiday Treat Exchange

Friday, December 4th
7:00 p.m.
7524 Oakmont Lane

Bring your favorite treat
to share with all

RSVP 214-748-3647


Christmas Party Verse 13

It’s the time of the year
when best cookies are made
What fun to make extra and bring them to trade
Please join our Christmas Cookie Exchange

Friday, December 13th
Seven o’clock in the evening

7524 Oakmont Lane
RSVP by December 1st


Christmas Party Verse 14

It’s Cookie Time

Please join us for friendly greets and sweet treats
We hope you will join us to
Swap sweets
We are excited to
Taste your favorite treats!

The Smith Family’s Annual Christmas Goodie Exchange

Saturday, December 14th at 5 p.m.
7524 Oakmont Lane

*children welcome*
R.s.v.p. 214-748-3647


Holiday Cocktail Party Verse 1

Christmas Cookie Swap

Let’s toast the Holiday Season with
treats & good cheer!
Join us for
Cocktails & Cookies
Friday, December 16th
7:30 in the evening

Bonnie & Phillip Conrad
7524 Oakmont Lane

Bring your favorite bubbly and
holiday cookies to share
regrets to Bonnie


Holiday Cocktail Party Verse 2

Good Friends and Good Cheer,
It’s that time of the year!
Please join us for

Cocktails and Hors D’oeuvres

Friday, December 3rd
7:00 p.m.
7524 Oakmont Lane



Holiday Cocktail Party Verse 3

Let’s toast the season!

Join us for Appetizers and Drinks
Friday, December 9th
6:00 p.m.

at the home of
Shawn and Marie Mullin
7524 Oakmont Lane

Regrets Only


Holiday Spirits Corporate Cocktail Mixer

holiday-spirits-invitation-icdd-np58hc3791icdd-389x600 Christmas Wording Ideas

Martinis and Merriment

martini-invitation-rb-np58hc1045rb-388x600 Christmas Wording Ideas

Holiday Cocktail Party Verse 4

The weather outside
may be a frigid snow storm…
But we’ll have cocktails
to keep us warm!

Holiday Cocktail Party

Saturday, December 12th
At Seven o’clock in the evening

Home of Joanne and Jim
7524 Oakmont Lane
Downtown Woodville

Let us know… Let us know…
Let us know

Joanne 214-748-3647


Holiday Cocktail Party Verse 5

Open House and Dinner

Nothing would delight us more
than the pleasure of
your company

Saturday, December 10th
Seven o’clock

7524 Oakmont Lane
Allison and Howard West



Toasty Santa

toasty-santa-invitation-dmdd-np57hc1250dmdd-429x600 Christmas Wording Ideas

Pink Silverware Soiree

pink-silverware-soiree-invitation-dmdd-np57hc1135dmdd-429x600 Christmas Wording Ideas

Holiday Cocktail Party Verse 6

Holiday Open House

The Wilson Family
the pleasure on your company

December twenty-first
at six-thirty in the evening

7524 Oakmont Lane
Regrets, please



Holiday Dinner Party Verse 1

Open House and Dinner

Nothing would delight us more
than the pleasure of
your company

Saturday, December 10th
Seven o’clock
7524 Oakmont Lane

Allison and Howard West


Holiday Dinner Party Verse 2

Good Friends,
Good Cheer!
All the gang will be here…

The Wilson’s Annual
Holiday Open House

Saturday, December 1st
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Regrets only

Festive attire, please!

Holiday Dinner Party Verse 3

Please Join us for a

Holiday Dinner

as we celebrate
this wonderful time of the year!

Sunday, December 20th
7:00 p.m.
7524 Oakmont Lane

Hosted by The Clark Family

Please R.S.V.P. 877.816.0884

Holiday Dinner Party Verse 4

Please join us
for an evening of merriment

Saturday, December 11th at 7 p.m.

Cocktails and Dinner
at the McMillan’s Home
7524 Oakmont Lane

Rsvp 214.748.3647

Holiday Baby Shower Verse 1

Instead of traditional red and green
at the Harrington home,
there’s pink to be seen!
Please join us for a baby shower

Alana Harrington

Saturday, December 10th
2 o’clock in the afternoon
at the Waterfront Grill
7524 Oakmont Lane

Alana is registered at Bella Baby

Holiday Baby Shower Verse 2

It’s a baby boy!
You’re invited to a
Holiday Baby Shower
honoring mother-to-be

Lyndsey Martin
& baby
Clinton James Martin

Saturday, December 10th
Dinner from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

7524 Oakmont Lane

no gift please

regrets to Samantha


Holiday Baby Shower Verse 3

A sweet little baby is on the way
Due to arrive before Christmas Day!

Please join us for a Baby Shower

Jillian Fox

Saturday, December 5th
Cafe Lola
7524 Oakmont Lane, Mount Pleasant

Given by: Megan & Tracy
Regrets only 816-0884 or [email protected]

Jillian is registered at Babies ‘R’ Us


African American Crib

african-american-christmas-crib-invitation-dmdd-np57hc1167dmdd-429x600 Christmas Wording Ideas

Pink Silverware Soiree

brunette-classic-crib-mama-holiday-invitation-dmdd-np57hc1260dmdd-429x600 Christmas Wording Ideas

Holiday Bridal Shower Verse 1

Please join us for a
Holiday Bridal Shower

Kellie Washington

Friday, December 7th
12 noon
The City Club
7524 Oakmont Lane

Hosted by Aunt Janice


Holiday Bridal Shower Verse 2

Jingle bells and wedding bells are ringing

Please join us as we toast the
merry bride-to-be!

A Bridal Shower
Jenny Claire Perthshire

Saturday, December 10th
11 o’clock
7524 Oakmont Lane

rsvp 214-748-3647

registered at
Home Depot & Pottery Barn

Here Comes The Bride

brunette-here-comes-the-bride-holiday-invitation-dmdd-np57hc1264dmdd-429x600 Christmas Wording Ideas

Santa Sister Holiday Party

santa-sister-invitation-icdd-np58hc3779icdd-389x600 Christmas Wording Ideas

Holiday Bridal Shower Verse 3

Let’s trim the tree for
the bride and groom to be!

Please join us a
Christmas Couple Shower
Kelly and Brian

Saturday, December 11
7-9 pm
7524 Oakmont Lane

RSVP to Anne


Holiday Tea Party Verse 1

The Smith Family
invites you and a guest to attend a

Holiday High Tea

Sunday, December 5th
7524 Oakmont Lane

Please Rsvp by November 27th


Holiday Tea Party Verse 2

Come enjoy a Holiday Tea
As we celebrate
by the Christmas Tree

Saturday, December 16th
At seven o’clock in the evening
7524 Oakmont Lane

Tea, eats and sweets will be served
Regrets only


Holiday Tea Party Verse 3

The Harwood Book Club
cordially invites you to its

Christmas Tea

Thursday the sixteenth of December
four-thirty o’clock
at the home of Jessica French
7524 Oakmont Lane

Regrets, please


Kids Holiday Party Verse 1

Deck the halls and let’s be jolly!
Join us at the farm for a

Kids Christmas Party

with food, gifts & games
Saturday, December 13th at 6:30 pm

Montgomery Treetop Farms
7524 Oakmont Lane

Mindi & Les Montgomery


Kids Holiday Party Verse 2

We know that last
Christmas 2017
was the grandest
when Hattie was born.

Christmas 2018
almost ties for first place
as she will turn one

Please join us for
Hattie’s 1st Birthday

December 23, 2013 at 4 o’clock
7524 Oakmont Lane

Allie & Curtis

Kids Holiday Party Verse 3

Come See Santa!

Please join us for
Breakfast with Jolly Ol’ St. Nick

Saturday, December 14
10 in the morning

Bring your cameras!

Regrets only
[email protected]


Tropical Christmas Verse 1

Let’s Get Festive!

Tropical Cocktails & Treats
to make believe
we’re on the beach

Saturday, December 7th
7:00 p.m.
7524 Oakmont Lane

Hosted by Shelly and Doug
Island Wear Attire

Regrets to Jenny


Tropical Christmas Verse 2

Frosty is ready to party
and so are we…
come join the party and we’ll make believe
we’re doing Christmas in Hawaii!

Please join us
Saturday, December 5th
6:30 in the evening

7524 Oakmont Lane
Mount Pleasant

Dress in tropical attire
Rsvp 1-800-MIX-A-LOT


Tropical Christmas Verse 3

Sands white as snow waters
glistening with a holiday glow
Would you rather be on the
beach or shoveling snow?
Ah, the joys of a
Tropical Christmas
Please join us poolside for the
Robinson Family’s Holiday

Beach Open House

Saturday, December 22nd
six-thirty p.m.
7524 Oakmont Lane
Casual attire
Regrets only to Barb


Ornament Exchange Verse 1

Deck the halls and let’s be jolly
It’s time for ornaments and holly!

Please come to the
8th Annual Ornament Exchange
Please bring a wrapped
ornament to trade and your
favorite goodies to share!

Friday, December 12th
7524 Oakmont Lane

Cocktails and heavy Hors d’oeuvres will be served
Please R.s.v.p. by December 1st


Ornament Exchange Verse 2

Celebrate the Season!

By joining us for a holiday party
Saturday, December 11th
6 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

7524 Oakmont Lane
The Mitchell Home

RSVP 606-0842
Please bring a wrapped ornament to exchange

Price range $10-$25


Ornament Exchange Verse 3

It’s time to trim the tree!

Please come join us at a
Ornament Exchange Party

Friday, December 4th
6 o’clock

Please bring a snowflake
ornament for the exchange.

regrets only 606-0842


Winter Party Verse 1

Please join us for food and fun at our
Winter Dinner Party

Saturday, December 5th
7:00 pm
7524 Oakmont Lane

*please bring your favorite wine or dessert

Rsvp to the Time


Winter Party Verse 2

Skate on over to our Winter Wonderland!
We’re celebrating the 11th Birthday of

Sarah Jane

Please join us for
ice skating, hot cocoa and cupcakes

Saturday, January 5th
at noon to 2 p.m.
rsvp to the Time at 777-9311


Winter Party Verse 3

First Methodist Youth
are going out to
spread good cheer and sing some carols

Put on your mittens, put on your hat –
Some woolly socks will help beat the cold snap.

Saturday, December the 15th
6:00 at 7524 Oakmont Lane

Then join us for supper and games
Regrets only [email protected]

or Alicia Keys at 489-4608


Christmas Greeting Verse 1

Season’s Greetings

Happy Everything & Merry Always!

Merry Christmas
to you and yours!



Christmas Greeting Verse 2

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you the joyous of holidays!

Season’s Greetings and
Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!



Christmas Greeting Verse 3

Merry Christmas

Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Have yourself a
Merry Little Christmas!



Christmas Greeting Verse 4

Christmas comes but once a year.
It’s a special time filled with cheer.

A time for friends and family
to come together joyfully.

We hope your Christmas is filled with peace
and happiness is never out of reach!

Merry Christmas from the Chandler Family


Christmas Greeting Verse 5

We wish you a
Happy Holiday Season

And a New Year of health,
happiness and prosperity.



Christmas Greeting Verse 6

The stockings have been
hung with care
the cookies have been
baked and frosted,
the tree has been trimmed,
the presents have been wrapped.

The only thing left is to wish you
the merriest of Christmases
and the happiest of New Years!


Christmas Greeting Verse 7

What is Christmas?

A time for celebration.
A time for remembrance.
A time for giving.
A time for faith.
A time for family.
A time for friends.
A time for peace.
A time for wishing you

A Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year!


Christmas Greeting Verse 8

From the beauty of the season
to the love that’s in our hearts
Christmas is a time of joy.

May you have a wonderful holiday
and a new year filled with happiness!


Christmas Greeting Verse 9

At the Holiday Season,
our thoughts turn gratefully
to those who have made our progress possible.

It is in this spirit that we say…

Thank You
and best wishes for the holidays
and a happy New Year

Parsons Pluming Company


Christmas Greeting Verse 10

A special Christmas blessing to you
from the Young family.

May you enjoy all the happiness
the season can bring
and may His eternal love
bring you peace throughout
the coming year.

Bless you, and may you have
a wonderful Christmas


Christmas Greeting Verse 11

May you and your family
enjoy the warmth
this season has to offer.

Have a wonderful Christmas
and a New Year filled with love.


Christmas Greeting Verse 12

The best part of the season
is remembering those who make
the holidays meaningful.

We wish you all the
love and happiness
this season can bring.

May it follow you
throughout the coming year!


Christmas Greeting Verse 13

The miracle of Christmas
reminds us of the
special people we know.

As we think of you this season
our hearts overflow.

May the warmth of the
season fill your hearts with joy.

Merry Christmas from the Smiths


Christmas Greeting Verse 14

A Christmas Prayer from
the Michaels family
We pray your spirit is light with hope
Your heart is filled with joy
And your holiday blessed
with the glory of God.

May his love bring you
peace at Christmas
and always


Christmas Greeting Verse 15

Remembering special people
at Christmas fills
our hearts with joy.

We wish you a
joyous holiday season
and a new year filled with
peace and happiness.


Christmas Greeting Verse 16

That is what Christmas means to us:

The love of family,
the warmth of good friends,
the joy of giving,
the happiness of children,
the celebration of life,
peace on earth.

We hope your Christmas is filled
with all these things!


Christmas Greeting Verse 17

Our stockings have found
a new mantle this year

Through stacks of boxes
we wish you good cheer!


Christmas Greeting Verse 18


May the
Spirit of Christmas
Bring You
Peace and Joy

The Gilmore Family




Here Comes Santa

H5074-Here-comes-santa Christmas Wording Ideas

With the hustle and bustle of the holidays, hosting a party is the perfect way to take a break. One can’t help all the spinning, shopping and spurring-on along the way, invite the crew to take a break during the holiday! Host a simple dinner complete with a soup cook-off. Cup of joy with a cup of soup – what could be better? Invite your community to bring their favorite pot of soup to share, they set out loads of bowls. Set up different spots with board games, or sets of cards, or arrange for a great big game of charades.

Once you have set up your lights and have your sights on Christmas day, make sure to host an Open House. Keep it simple with baked cookies and eggnog, have pillows around the tree and light the fire. Invite all of your people to join in for a night of celebration at a Merry Holiday Party. It might be fun to do an ornament exchange, it’s so fun to see all of the variety of baubles and such.

No doubt about it, ‘Tis the season for loads of sweets and treats. Send out the message to come join the holiday joy at Holiday Cookie Swap! Everyone absolutely loves Cookie Exchanges because you get to enjoy all different varieties of treats. It’s also an extra bonus to get new recipes to make for other holiday gatherings! That’s what is called a gift that keeps on giving. Make party planning simple by setting up a lively little Christmas Cookie Exchange for your friends. Have everyone bring enough cookies to taste and to share so everyone has some to take home as well. Set up a Cookie Decorating Table and a Hot Cocoa Bar. For the centerpiece, make a Gumdrop Christmas tree. Add a bright red tablecloth, then use super cute gingerbread cookie to make a charming garland.

Once Thanksgiving has come and gone, it’s time to start the Christmas countdown! Planning a party can definitely get you in the holiday spirit. A trending party theme is to throw “A Favorite Things Holiday Party”. We have a few tips and trips for a fun, festive, and cozy get together that will make you fall “deerly” in love with the holiday spirit. Let’s be honest, some holiday parties can be a bit of a bore. So it’s time to kick up those Christmas boots! A more fun way to kick off the holiday season is hosting an untraditional party. Get ready for a big dose of holiday cheer as you plan this event. Start with your favorite holiday invitation. Use this as your inspiration. Then add all kinds of wintery elements. You can have a white “frosted” cake with greenery accents. When you frost the cake, do it very lightly so some of the cake shows through. Place it on a real piece of wood sliced in a disc. Place a yarn or glitter ornament of a reindeer for the topper. Pick up or make red and black plaid pillows and toss them about. Create a signature cranberry cocktail rimmed in gold sugar to really wow your loved ones!

No matter the event you choose, it will be full of joy, so let us help you come up with the perfect wording so you can get on with your jingle!